Monday 15 December 2014

What to do when sanding floors that follow through to other rooms


Sanding wooden floors is a time-consuming and disruptive job, so considerations need to be made when planning the work to ensure you don't add unnecessary work and hassle to your schedule.


If you are sanding a floor, such as the hallway, that receives high foot traffic and will need attention much sooner than adjoining rooms, a challenge can arise when there are no floor bars to divide the space.

At this point you have two options:

1. If all of the adjoining rooms have wood floors that have some degree of wear that need to be addresses immediately or in the near future then it will be best to have them all sanded at the same time.  This will eliminate the issue of having to disrupt the house on multiple occasions.  Also, and very importantly, having all the floors sanded at the same time will mean there will be consistency across the board, so each room will seamlessly merge into one another.

2. if you have rooms where the wood floor is in a great condition and does not need sanding, though it is connected to a busy hallway, then you may want to consider fitting a very nice high end brass strip to the floor following the sanding – (always after the sanding so no accidental scratch marks are created) This way you visually break the rooms up  so you do not need to sand all the floors

Here is a link to a place that sell a very good brass door strip -

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